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Classical concerts featuring
Azusa Krist


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New Arrivals

These concerts featuring Azusa Krist became visible lately at ConcertPulse.

Artistic depiction of the event

Flamenco Vivo

Fri, Sep 12, 2025, 20:00
Laeiszhalle, Kleiner Saal (Hamburg)
Flamenco Vivo, Carmen Celada (Vocals), Georg Kempa (Guitar), Azusa Krist (Viola), Cayetana de Ronda (Dance)
Flamenco Vivo can be translated as »living flamenco« or »flamenco live«. Originating in the south of Spain, the art of flamenco has conquered almost the entire world over the last few decades. Flamenco Vivo is an international ensemble of five high-calibre artists from five nations and three continents. The focus is on spirited, expressive dance. Virtuoso guitar playing and passionate singing merge with him on stage to form an impressive unit.

Upcoming Concerts

Concerts featuring Azusa Krist in season 2024/25 or later

March 8, 2025
Artistic depiction of the event

Flamenco Vivo

Sat, Mar 8, 2025, 20:00
Gewandhaus Leipzig, Mendelssohn-Saal (Leipzig)
Cayetana de Ronda (Dance), Carmen Celada (Singer), Azusa Krist (Viola), Georg Kempa (Guitar)
Flamenco Vivo, meaning "lively flamenco," originated in southern Spain and has become a global phenomenon. This international ensemble of five artists from three continents features passionate dance, guitar, and vocals, often enriched with string instruments like the viola. The performance blends baile (dance), toque (guitar), and cante (vocals), creating a captivating experience.
September 12, 2025
Artistic depiction of the event

Flamenco Vivo

Fri, Sep 12, 2025, 20:00
Laeiszhalle, Kleiner Saal (Hamburg)
Flamenco Vivo, Carmen Celada (Vocals), Georg Kempa (Guitar), Azusa Krist (Viola), Cayetana de Ronda (Dance)
Flamenco Vivo can be translated as »living flamenco« or »flamenco live«. Originating in the south of Spain, the art of flamenco has conquered almost the entire world over the last few decades. Flamenco Vivo is an international ensemble of five high-calibre artists from five nations and three continents. The focus is on spirited, expressive dance. Virtuoso guitar playing and passionate singing merge with him on stage to form an impressive unit.